This guide is intended to support you as a new member of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet. Developed with input from former Cabinet secretaries and senior federal leaders, it outlines best practices to increase your impact as a leader of a large and complex organization.
This guide outlines best practices that you, as deputy secretaries, should follow to increase your impact, focusing on key people, issues and stakeholders. It was informed by insights from former deputy secretaries and other senior federal leaders.
This guide outlines leading practices and key actions you can take to build effective relationships with new appointees during their first weeks and throughout the onboarding process to position yourself as a trusted advisor.
This guide outlines leading practices and key actions you can take to accelerate your impact during your first month, and assess your success during your first year and beyond.
The next presidential administration will have the task of managing the implementation of several ongoing major investment initiatives—taking over these programs mid-execution while at the same time setting its own priorities for implementation. This resource outlines how presidential transition teams can apply best practices to ensure the next administration is equipped to take over the management of these significant federal investment programs.
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The time before and after a presidential election typically brings shifts in agency dynamics and personnel. Career civil servants must work to support the continuity of government and some senior career executives will be called on to serve temporarily in key positions previously held by political appointees to ensure that agency priorities are met.
For senior career executives stepping in to serve as acting officials during a transition of leadership or administration, the Partnership for Public Service offers Ready to Act. This 90-minute seminar is designed to help leaders prepare for and understand what to expect in their temporary new roles.