Reports and Publications

Persistently Vacant: Critical federal leadership positions go unfilled for years
This report is the third in the Center’s series of reports that highlights challenges with the Senate confirmation process and categories of positions that should be considered for the removal of Senate confirmation. The report focuses on Senate-confirmed positions that have been persistently vacant since the beginning of the Obama administration.
July 09, 2024
Federal Agency Transition Director Position Description
A department’s agency transition director is responsible for leading the planning and execution of presidential transition activities on behalf of their agency in accordance with the law. This position description provides an overview of the key elements, responsibilities, requirements and competencies of the role.
May 07, 2024
Presidential Transition Act Summary
In passing the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, Congress explained: “Any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and well-being of the United States and its people.” To promote the orderly transfer of power, Congress established a framework for the federal government to prepare for a transition from one president to another.
March 13, 2024
Agency Transition Operations Transition Team Federal Agencies White House
An Open Letter from the Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition® Advisory Board
The Center for Presidential Transition’s advisory board, comprised of four former leaders of presidential transitions, released a letter laying out the stakes in 2024 and calling for early, meticulous attention to planning from both the challenger candidate and incumbent president.
March 12, 2024
Transition Team Donald Trump Joe Biden
Layered Leadership Examining How Political Appointments Stack Up at Federal Agencies
New data from the Center for Presidential Transition® shows that when there are multiple levels of political appointments requiring Senate confirmation that report to one another, it takes longer to confirm appointees each layer you go down.
February 20, 2024
Appointments Senate Nominations & Confirmations Data Congress