Report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) analyzing the appointment process from past political and congressional employees within 45 different agencies.

This memo from Obama administration Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten addressed to the Administrator of the office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and heads of executive departments and agencies explains how agencies should respond to midnight regulations.

This Congressional Research Service (CRS) report discusses historical national security related presidential transition activities, provides a representative sampling of national security issues the next administration may encounter and offers considerations and options relevant to each of the five phases of the presidential transition period.

This memorandum, sent to President Bush’s White House Counsel Fred Fielding, details four major problems that limit the efficiency of the appointments process and recommendations to address those problems. It was authored, written by the law firm of O’Melveny & Myers on behalf of the Partnership for Public Service.

This memorandum from OMB Director Jim Nussle to agency and department heads outlines the George W. Bush administration’s plans for the development the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 budget focusing on a submission that will provide a complete current services budget baseline for an incoming administration.

Nussle directs agencies to wait until the new administration, or its transition team, is in place to complete the normal director’s review or “passback processes” with OMB. A current services baseline provides an estimate of costs to carry on existing programs and assumes no policy changes. This allows the president’s successor to assess current spending levels and make his or her own policy decisions in developing their initial budget proposal.

Article detailing the National Archives and Records Administration’s job of collecting and archiving the presidential records of an outgoing administration.

Congressional Research Service (CRS) on legislative actions to enhance the transition process since 1960 and the text from major transition statutes.