The next presidential administration will have the task of managing the implementation of several ongoing major investment initiatives—taking over these programs mid-execution while at the same time setting its own priorities for implementation. This resource outlines how presidential transition teams can apply best practices to ensure the next administration is equipped to take over the management of these significant federal investment programs.

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Materials produced for incoming appointees in past transitions were longer and more detailed than those produced for the temporary appointees who arrived immediately following the inauguration. Referred to as the agency’s owner’s manual” this material is for incoming appointees. The manual includes a more detailed discussion of the items contained in the briefing materials for the president-elect’s representatives, along with several new areas of discussion including historical issues within the agency and issues raised by oversight bodies.  

Agency review teams that arrive at agencies post-election look for information to help make decisions on certain appointments, including potential holdovers and key career staff, and to develop an assessment of conditions inside the agency for the president-elect. The materials created for these teams should be concise and tailored to three main priorities. Key elements of this briefing are outlined below.  

This document is a template for creating your bureau/component’s executive overview in preparation for the presidential transition. The information provided can be incorporated into final briefing materials for incoming leaders. If any of the subcomponents of this document require further explanation, use the deep-dive topic template provided here. 

This document is a template for creating a deep-dive report on an issue. This template may be used to provide a more detailed explanation of any specific component in an executive summary, or may be used to create separate policy-item, budget-item, management issues or other specific item reports. The information provided will be incorporated into final briefing materials for incoming leaders.  

This document is a template for creating the executive overview for an agency’s office/region to be incorporated into final briefing materials for incoming leaders. If any of the subcomponents of this document require further explanation, use the deep-dive topic template provided here. 

A department’s agency transition director is responsible for leading the planning and execution of presidential transition activities on behalf of their agency in accordance with the law. This position description provides an overview of the key elements, responsibilities, requirements and competencies of the role.


In passing the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, Congress explained: “Any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and well-being of the United States and its people.” To promote the orderly transfer of power, Congress established a framework for the federal government to prepare for a transition from one president to another.

With strong bipartisan support, the Act has been amended over the years to recognize the increasing complexities of presidential transitions.[1] The law requires the General Services Administration to provide office space and other core support services to presidents-elect and vice presidents-elect, as well as pre-election space and support to eligible candidates.[2] The Act also requires the White House and agencies to begin transition planning well before a presidential election, benefitting both first and second term administrations.


The Act establishes an early and organized cadence for the federal government’s transition planning: 


The Act requires GSA to provide office space and administrative support (such as information technology and communications capabilities) to a president-elect and vice president-elect. Recognizing a growing need for transition activities to start well before election day, the Act also requires GSA to offer office space and support to eligible candidates in the months preceding the election, following the political conventions. In the post-election period, GSA is also authorized to pay expenses for staff, experts, postage, and travel for the transition team of the president-elect, if the president-elect is not a president who has been re-elected. Use of government aircraft also may be provided on a reimbursable basis.

GSA also serves a liaison between transition teams and the federal government. For example, GSA helps coordinate the provision of names of transition staff cleared by the president-elect’s team for access to each agency. The law requires the GSA Administrator to designate a senior career official to serve as the Federal Transition Coordinator, who coordinates transition planning across agencies. GSA is also required to compile a report on modern transitions and create a transition directory with comprehensive information on the officers, organization, and responsibilities of each federal agency. GSA also provides support to help outgoing presidents as they depart the White House.

Also, recognizing that incoming political appointees face unique challenges and requirements coming into federal service, the Act allows GSA to expend funds of training for new appointees during the transition and for the entire duration of a president’s term. In past transition years, Congress has provided funding only for the fiscal year in which the transition takes place.


The Act directs the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies responsible for conducting background investigations to conduct those investigations expeditiously, with the goal of providing appropriate security clearances before inauguration for the individuals that the President-elect has identified for high level national security positions, including secretaries and undersecretaries of cabinet-level agencies. The law also requires that the president-elect be given a classified summary as soon as possible after the election on threats to national security, covert military operations, and pending decisions on possible uses of military force. The White House Transition Coordinating Council is tasked with conducting interagency emergency preparedness and response exercises.

Separately, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004[3] allows each eligible candidate, before the election, to submit security clearance requests for prospective transition team members who will need access to classified information. The law directs that background investigations and security clearance determinations for these individuals be completed, to the fullest extent practicable, by the day after the date of the election.   


As a condition of receiving office space and related services, eligible candidates, the president-elect and the vice president-elect are required to disclose to GSA all non-federal contributions received for transition activities. The transition teams must also disclose to the public the identities and sources of funding of individuals who enter federal agencies after the election as part of the President-elect’s transition team. GSA, to the maximum extent practicable, shall enter a memorandum of understanding with each eligible candidate which includes the conditions for the services and facilities provided by GSA and designation of a transition representative to receive inquires related to transition team documents. Also, the administration (acting through the Federal Transition Coordinator), enters memoranda of understanding with the eligible candidates including conditions for access to agencies by the president-elect’s transition team, and agreement by transition teams to implement, enforce and publicly disclose ethics plans for transition team members.


Presidential transitions are funded through a combination of federally appropriated funds and private funds. For the 2020-2021 transition cycle, Congress provided $9.62 million for transition activities in fiscal year 2020 and $9.9 million in fiscal year 2021.

To accept private funding, an eligible candidate must establish an entity that is legally separate from the campaign and that qualifies under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. An eligible candidate may transfer into this entity contributions received for his or her general election campaign and may also solicit and accept donations directly into it. Contributions per person or organization may not exceed $5,000. As noted above, contributions must be disclosed to GSA.


In the event that the president-elect is the incumbent or where the vice president-elect is the incumbent, federal transition funds for post-election transition activities are returned to the Treasury. The law does allow, though, for GSA to use funds for training of new political appointees even if the president is re-elected.


The law provides that an eligible candidate has the right to the facilities and services provided to eligible candidates until the date on which the Administrator is able to determine the apparent successful candidates for the office of president and vice president.

Also, under legislation passed by Congress in 2022, if more than one eligible candidate has not conceded, beginning five days after the election, equitable post-election transition assistance will be provided to any remaining eligible candidates and all will be treated as an “apparent successful candidate” until GSA determines a sole apparent successful candidate.[4]

The 2022 law also lays out discretionary factors that the Administrator of GSA should look to in determining a winner (e.g., certified state results) as well as, if necessary, mandatory factors (e.g., a majority of pledged electors based on state certifications of their final canvass and conclusion of related administrative/legal actions).

Timeline of Requirements


12 months before election

6 months before election

Post-Conventions through Election

Post-election (while results are unclear)

Post-election (once there is clarity on the outcome, and if there is a change in administration)


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The Center for Presidential Transition’s comprehensive guide on the activities required during the transition. This guide for the 2024 presidential election cycle was produced in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group. It features detailed outlines of transition best practices, historical materials from past transitions, and recommendations for a successful presidential transition to a new or second-term administration.

Federal agencies face a cascading series of challenges before and after a presidential election and into the early months of a new or second-term administration. Since 2008, the Partnership for Public Service has provided resources to federal agencies, while promoting knowledge-sharing and collaboration, to strengthen presidential transitions.

The Agency Transition Guide­­ has been developed by the Partnership’s Center for Presidential Transition® and Boston Consulting Group, informed by conversations with federal leaders and other presidential transition experts. It provides lessons learned from past transitions at federal agencies and includes best practices and key decision points to help senior career executives lead successful transition planning efforts.

While this guide focuses on presidential transitions, most federal agencies will also experience a change in political leadership at least once during an administration. The practices outlined in this guide apply to principal leadership transitions independent of the election cycle.