In fiscal 2015, DHS had $42.573 billion in outlays and 166,777 total employment. The Office of the General Counsel has over 1,800 dedicated attorneys at headquarters and at operating components. The GC has four direct reports:
• Two deputy general counsels
• Principal Deputy General Counsel
• Chief of Staff
In addition, the GC indirectly manages a team of seventeen.
• Provides complete, accurate and timely legal advice on possible courses of action for the department.
• Ensures that Homeland Security policies are implemented lawfully, quickly and efficiently.
• Protects the rights and liberties of any Americans who come into contact with the department and ensures that the department’s efforts to secure the nation are consistent with the civil rights and liberties of all citizens.
• Facilitates quick responses to congressional requests for information.
• Represents the department in venues across the country, including in the immigration courts of the U.S.
• Identifies legal requirements that apply to departmental policies and procedures and assists in policy and operational initiative planning, as well as reviews and develops proposed legislation.
• Key subject areas include federal contracting, immigration, border search, Title 10/32: DOD/civilian Interaction, FEMA statutes and state and local – federalism issues.
• Partners closely with the secretary of Homeland Security, the U.S. Coast Guard Office of the Judge Advocate General, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Office of Legal Counsel, TSA Office of Legal Counsel, Customs and Border Protection Office of Chief Counsel, U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services Office of Chief Counsel and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of the Principal Legal Advisor.