Federal Position Descriptions


Commissioner, United States Election Assistance Commission
Management Scope

In fiscal 2015, EAC had $6 million in budget outlays and 22 employees.2

Primary Responsibilities

• Establishes policy regarding the mission, goals and objectives of the EAC
• Votes on matters of agency strategic planning, objective and policy, including adoption of National Voter Registration Act regulations, voluntary guidance under HAVA Section 311, Voluntary Voting System Guidelines, program manuals and other policies of general applicability that impact parties outside of the EAC; adoption of an annual EAC research plan; issuance of EAC advisories; and issuance of policy directives
• Votes on executive operational matters, including adoption of reports to be submitted to Congress (except inspector general reports); adoption of public meeting or hearing agencies; appointment of the executive director, general counsel and inspector general; appointment of the chair and vice chair of the commission; adoption of EAC annual budget request; adoption of EAC strategic plan; adoption or acceptance of EAC research; accreditation of EAC Voting System Test Laboratories; and action on appeals of audit resolutions and other matters as set forth approved manuals or regulations3

Strategic Goals and Priorities
[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration.]

Requirements for the commission:
• Consists of four members appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate
• Before the appointment of a member of the commission, the majority leader of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the Senate and the minority leader of the House of Representatives shall each submit to the president a candidate recommendation affiliated with the political party of the member of Congress involved
• Members serve for a four-year term and may be reappointed for not more than one additional term
• A vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made and shall be subject to any conditions which applied with respect to the original appointment
• A member of the commission shall serve on the commission after the expiration of the member’s term until the successor of such member has taken office as a member of the commission
• An individual appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term of the member replaced
• No member appointed to the commission may engage in any other business, vocation or employment while serving as a member of the commission and shall terminate or liquidate such business, vocation or employment before sitting as a member of the commission (52 U.S.C. § 20923)
Requirements for the commissioners:
• Experience with or expertise in election administration or the study of elections (52 U.S.C. § 20923)


• Strong communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to work under high pressure and handle sensitive matters

Past Appointments
  • Matthew V. Masterson (2016 to 2017): Technical Guidelines Development Committee Member and Ex Officio Board Member, Board, National Association of State Election Directors; Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Ohio4
  • Christy A. McCormick (2015 to 2017): Senior Trial Attorney, Voting Section, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice; Senior Attorney Advisor and Acting Deputy Rule of Law Coordinator, Embassy of the United States, Iraq, Department of State; Judicial Clerk, Chambers of Justice Elizabeth A. McClanahan5
  • Caroline C. Hunter (2007 to 2008): Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaison, The White House Office, Executive Office of the President; Executive Officer, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security; Deputy Counsel, Republican National Committee6

United States Election Assistance Commission

Mission: To develop guidance to meet Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requirements, adopt voluntary voting system guidelines and serve as a national clearinghouse of information on election administration.


Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 5315)1


EAC is an independent federal agency. Commissioners serve at the pleasure of the president.


Rules and Administration

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  1. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.
  2. Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/OrgDocument.asp?OrgId=-1&LDIBookId=19&LDIOrgId=213383&LDISecId=201&FromRecent=0&Save=1&Position=-1#O213383
  3. OPM
  4. Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?PersonId=-1&LDIPeopleId=1233883&Save=1
  5. Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?PersonId=-1&LDIPeopleId=1555394&Save=1
  6. Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?PersonId=-1&LDIPeopleId=699524&Save=1
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