The Office of the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial leadership of an enterprise that has more than 100,000 employees, 14,000 offices and field locations, $208 billion in assets, and $143 billion in annual spending.2
• Oversees development of financial statements, cost accounting policy and financial management budgets.
• Oversees policy guidance and oversight of the department’s internal controls and management accountability programs and reporting to ensure adequate controls over department assets.
• Maintains oversight of the Departmental Working Capital Fund.
• Manages the National Finance Center, a major shared services payroll and human resources provider to other federal agencies.
• Provides financial management shared services for other federal agencies.
• Provides policy guidance and oversight of the travel system, grants management, cash and credit management operations and other financial management functions.
• Oversees the recruitment, selection and training of personnel to carry out agency financial management functions, as well as manages, trains and provides policy guidance and oversight of these personnel and their activities.
• Manages the financial execution of the agency budget and actual expenditures, and ties the budget and performance to outcomes.
• Provides financial and performance reports to staff, overseers and stakeholders.
• Takes the lead role in enterprise risk management.