The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s fiscal year 2016 annual appropriation from Congress was $125 million. The commission maintained a full-time equivalent personnel-planning ceiling of 567 for fiscal year 2016, the same as the fiscal 2015 level. The chairman has six direct reports.
• Serves as the commission’s principal executive officer
• Exercises all of the commission’s executive and administrative functions, including the appointment and supervision of personnel; the distribution of business among personnel that the chairman appoints and supervises, and among the commission’s administrative units; and the use of funds
• Requests appropriations on behalf of the commission with the commission’s prior approval (15 U.S.C. § 2053)
• Appoints commission officers, all Senior Executive Service (SES) positions, the Equal Employment Opportunity director, the inspector general, the director for legislative affairs, the director of Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Enterprise, and the director for the Office of Communications
• Employs other officers and employees (including attorneys) as necessary in the execution of the commission’s functions