The staff includes the cabinet secretary, the deputy cabinet secretary, three deputy directors and a special assistant.3 The size and scope of management varies from administration to administration. Currently there are about 10 employees in the office.
• Serves as liaison between the cabinet secretaries and the White House.
• Manages relationships with cabinet secretaries, ensuring their integration and input into White House decision-making, and their accountability for presidential initiatives.
• Mentors cabinet secretaries on cabinet duties.
• Assists the cabinet secretaries in preparing for a cabinet meeting by identifying issues of critical importance which are then discussed and developed with the deputy chief of staff for policy.
• Assists the cabinet secretaries in providing input to the four policy councils.
• Responsible for assisting relevant agencies and the administration when following up on a policy decision.
• Frequently serves as the president’s liaison with cabinet secretaries through the chief of staff.
• Prepares summaries for the president from the weekly cabinet reports and manages those reports.
• Monitors and coordinates the travel and schedules of cabinet secretaries, working with the Appointments and Scheduling Office.4