The assistant secretary oversees the director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the deputy assistant secretary for nuclear matters, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for chemical and biological defense, and the deputy assistant secretary of defense for threat reduction and arms control.5
- Develops policies, provides advice and makes recommendations on nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological matters6
- Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD)
- Oversees the development of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense capabilities to protect national interests at home and abroad
- Ensures the integration of DOD efforts related to science & technology, advanced development, test and evaluation, and the CBD Program Objective Memorandum
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency: Addresses the entire spectrum of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive threats
- Nuclear Matters: Through the deputy assistant secretary of defense for nuclear matters, sustains a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent and counters the threat from nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation
- Threat Reduction and Arms Control: Through the deputy assistant secretary of defense for threat reduction and arms control:
- Is responsible for acquisition oversight, implementation and compliance with nuclear, biological and chemical treaties; cooperative threat reduction; chemical demilitarization programs; and building global partner capacity to counter weapons of mass destruction
- Exercises oversight of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency-executed Cooperative Threat Reduction Program and provides oversight of the Chemical Demilitarization Program
- Provides oversight of implementation and compliance with existing and prospective nuclear, biological and chemical arms control agreements
- Serves as a primary point of contact for Congress, other agencies and the public7
- Serves as staff director of the Nuclear Weapons Council8