Federal Position Descriptions

Assistant Secretary for Investment Security

Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, Department of the Treasury
Management Scope

In fiscal 2023, CFIUS had an operating budget of $1.924 million and 92 full-time equivalents.2

Primary Responsibilities
  • Oversees the review of hundreds of transaction filings each year worth roughly billions of dollars in investment activity.
  • Manages the committee’s recommendations to the president to suspend or prohibit transactions that threaten to impair the nation security of the United States.
  • Guides the committee’s policy and international relations activities.
  • Heads convenings and leads communication efforts about CFIUS’ initiatives and other committee efforts with the CFIUS community and Congress.
  • Provides leadership and direction towards improving CFIUS’ guidelines, enforcement actions and information-gathering efforts.
  • Monitors compliance and enforcement of national security agreements executed to mitigate national security risk.3
Strategic Goals and Priorities
Depends on the policy priorities of the administration
  • Extensive background in law and demonstrated legal experience.
  • Strong knowledge of national security and international economics.
  • Government experience in leadership roles, particularly handling government investigation into financial security.
  • Ability to conduct comprehensive legal investigations with professionalism and discretion.
  • Ability to work with multiple agencies and other non-government actors both domestic and international.
  • Robust knowledge of pressing national security issues and current developments.
Past Appointments
  • Paul Rosen (2022 to present): Partner, Crowell & Moring LLP; chief of staff, Office of the Secretary, Department of Homeland Security; chief of staff, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security.4
  • Tom Feddo (2019 to 2021): Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Investment Security, Department of the Treasury; partner: Alston & Bird; assistant director for enforcement, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Department of the Treasury.5

Department of the Treasury

Mission: The mission of the U.S. Treasury Department is promoting economic prosperity and ensuring the financial security of the United States.


Level IV $176,300 (5 U.S.C § 5315)1


Undersecretary for international affairs


Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs

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  1. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/22Tables/exec/html/EX.aspx
  2. https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/266/07.-CFIUS-FY2024-CJ.pdf
  3. https://home.treasury.gov/about/general-information/officials/paul-rosen#:~:text=Paul%20Rosen%20serves%20as%20the,the%20Treasury%20for%20Investment%20Security.
  4. Leadership Directories.
  5. Leadership Directories.
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