The assistant secretary oversees the operations of the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, which is organized into 12 separate offices. The assistant secretary also works alongside three deputy assistant secretaries and three other senior official ambassadors.3 The deputy assistant secretaries manage the day-to-day operations of ISN, exercising principal oversight over the management and staffing of subordinate organizations, and the development of policies and programs to assure responsiveness to shifting administration and departmental priorities (1 FAM 451). The fiscal 2017 budget allocation to this bureau is an estimated $16 million.4
• Assists the secretary of state and the undersecretary for arms control and international security in discharging their responsibilities for continuous supervision and general direction of international security and nonproliferation issues
• Serves as principal advisor to department principals relating to international security and nonproliferation
• Oversees development and implementation of U.S. policies to curb the proliferation to both state and nonstate actors of all types of weapons of mass destruction, missiles for WMD delivery and conventional weapons, by using the full array of diplomatic, financial, defense, law enforcement, rapid response and other measures
• Directs ISN staff in providing policy guidance and liaison with all relevant U.S. government agencies on nonproliferation, counterproliferation and other matters related to international security policy
• Represents the United States in negotiations in bilateral and multilateral settings, and on issues related to nonproliferation, counterproliferation and other matters concerning international security policy
• Ensures effective coordination between the department and Congress on international security and nonproliferation issues
• Engages in public diplomacy and outreach to domestic and international audiences, to support U.S. government and department objectives for international security and nonproliferation
• Oversees bureau budget planning and operations to ensure efficient achievement of operational goals and stewardship of financial resources, and oversees the drafting and coordination of the bureau’s strategic resource plan, as well as other budget documents and justifications (1 FAM 451)