The assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs supervises the:
• Deputy assistant secretary of defense for African affairs
• Deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East
• Deputy assistant secretary of defense for Europe and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
• Secretary of defense representative in the U.S. mission to NATO
• Secretary of defense representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)5
- Advises the undersecretary of defense and secretary of defense on security strategy and policy issues related to the nations and international organizations of Europe (including NATO), Russia, the Middle East, Africa and the Western Hemisphere
- Oversees security cooperation programs, including foreign military sales in these regions6
- Conducts and manages day-to-day, multilateral, regional and bilateral defense relations with all foreign governments in assigned areas of responsibility
- Develops regional security defense strategy and policy, provides advice and issues guidance to translate global and functional policies into regional-specific country strategies, and oversees their implementation in coordination with DOD officials
- Develops, coordinates and oversees the implementation of defense security policy, and manages defense and military relations
- Oversees DOD policy and recommendations concerning security cooperation programs and organizations, foreign military sales, military education and training, and other missions pertaining to security cooperation program relationships
- Coordinates the implementation of policy related to NATO, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Partnership for Peace and other institutions with a security dimension, including the European Union, OSCE and the African Union
- Provides policy guidance and oversight to the defense advisor, U.S. mission to NATO and the secretary of defense representative to the OSCE, on behalf of the undersecretary of defense for policy
- Promotes coordination, cooperation and joint planning on nuclear policy and strategy with NATO allies, in coordination with the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low intensity conflict and interdependent capabilities
- Supports the NATO Nuclear Planning Group and chairs the High Level Group, its subordinate body
- Represents the undersecretary of defense for policy and the secretary of defense, in interagency policy deliberations and international negotiations dealing with assigned areas of responsibility
- Monitors and provides policy recommendations related to the conduct of U.S. military operations in the countries or regions of focus, or on the participation of such countries in operations outside of the region
- Performs such other functions as the undersecretary of defense for policy or the secretary of defense may prescribe7