The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health had a fiscal 2015 budget of $280.486 million (budget outlays), and has 256 employees.2 The assistant secretary for health oversees 12 core public health offices, including the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, as well as 10 regional health offices across the nation and 10 presidential and secretarial advisory committees.3
• Leads the effort to develop policy recommendations related to public health issues that cut across HHS agencies and operating divisions4
• Coordinates an array of interdisciplinary programs relating to:
• Disease prevention
• Health promotion
• Reduction of health disparities
• Women’s and minority health
• Adolescent health
• HIV/AIDS and chronic infectious diseases
• Vaccine programs
• Fitness, sports and nutrition
• Bioethics
• Population affairs
• Blood supply
• Research integrity and human research protections