The assistant secretary for environmental management had $5.83 billion in budget outlays in fiscal 2014.3
• Completes environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex
• Manages and directs the cleanup of 107 contaminated nuclear weapons manufacturing and testing sites located in 35 states across the U.S.
• Ensures the safe disposition of large volumes of nuclear waste; safeguards materials that could be used in nuclear weapons; deactivates and decommissions several thousand contaminated facilitates no longer needed to support the Department of Energy’s (DOE) mission; and remediates extensive surface and groundwater contamination
• Provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy and guidance for DOE’s environmental cleanup program and associated activities at DOE sites
• Provides policy direction and long-term planning to environmental management field elements and other DOE sites across the complex
• Provides budget formulation and execution guidance that facilitates risk reduction and cleanup
• Directs policy for the transition of contaminated departmental facilities starting from the initial shutdown and continuing through decontamination and decommissioning to the eventual disposition
• Ensures that the organization promotes diversity and equal employment opportunities consistent with departmental policies and requirements
• Serves as the environmental management acquisition executive
• Ensures that the organization promotes small-business initiatives
• Represents the department regarding its clean-up mission vision to Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, state and local authorities and other stakeholders4