In fiscal 2015, the Department of Energy had a budget of $27.391 billion. In 2016 DOE had 14,499 nonseasonal full-time permanent employees.
• Serves as lead advisor to the secretary and deputy secretary on all congressional, intergovernmental and stakeholder issues.
• Manages the department’s coordination and liaison with Congress and state, tribal, city and county governments, other federal agencies, stakeholders and the general public.
• Enhances cooperation with states as a key component to the national clean energy agenda.
• Promotes the secretary’s, department’s and administration’s policies, legislative initiatives and budget requests with the Congress, state, territorial, tribal and local government officials and other federal agencies.
• Develops, manages and ensures coordination, policies and direction of relationships between all departmental organizations in their interaction with the above entities and other external groups.
• Provides advice to the secretary, deputy secretary, undersecretary and all senior departmental officials and participates in broad departmental wide projects in which the secretary has a special interest or where there may be significant congressional and intergovernmental implications relating to congressional and intergovernmental actions affecting the department.
• Provides guidance to the secretary and other secretarial officers for developing and maintaining positive relationships with members of Congress, governors, state/local officials and their staffs, tribal officials, public interest groups representing consumers/citizens organizations, business/industries, civic groups, educational organizations and institutions and all other energy-oriented organizations.
• Participates in the formulation of energy policy with senior departmental officials.
• Provides oversight and guidance to program offices on their interaction with Congress, other levels of governments.