The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) administers more than 60 programs with a budget of more than $53 billion, making it the second largest HHS agency. Partnering with states and communities, ACF funding provides critical assistance to vulnerable populations and helps families achieve prosperity and independence. ACF-funded programs find safe and supportive families for abused children, help parents find jobs, support individuals with developmental disabilities, and work with troubled teens to leave the streets and find a path toward hope and opportunity.3
The ACF estimates it has 1,464 total full-time equivalents for fiscal 2017.4
• Supervises the work of the Administration for Native Americans; Administration on Children, Youth and Families; Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; Children’s Bureau; Early Childhood Development Interagency Coordination; Family and Youth Services Bureau; Office of Administration; Office of Child Care; Office of Child Support Enforcement; Office of Community Services; Office of Family Assistance; Office of Head Start; Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response; Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget; Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation; Office of Public Affairs; Office of Regional Operations; Office of Refugee Resettlement; Public Assistance Reporting Information System
• Oversees more than 60 programs related to the following topics: children, communities, developmental disabilities, families, low-income individuals, Native Americans and refugees
• Creates partnerships with frontline service providers, states, localities and tribal communities to identify and implement solutions that transcend traditional program boundaries
• Protects the safety of children and families by supporting a variety of initiatives that empower families and individuals, and improve access to services, to create strong, healthy communities5
• Provides executive leadership and direction to plan and coordinate ACF program activities to ensure their effectiveness
• Approves instructions, policies, publications and grant awards issued by ACF
• Represents ACF in relationships with governmental and nongovernmental organizations6