The assistant secretary for aviation and international affairs oversees the Office of Aviation Analysis; the Office of International Aviation; the Office of International Transportation and Trade; and the Working Group on Improving Air Service to Small Communities.2
• Analyzes, develops, articulates and reviews policies and plans for aviation and international transportation
• Provides departmental leadership and coordination on international surface transportation policy issues, including trade, technical assistance and cooperation programs
• Develops, coordinates and carries out public policy related to economic regulations governing U.S. and foreign carrier economic authority to engage in air transportation, and represents the public interest in formal hearings instituted by the department in regulating the airline industry
• Formulates, coordinates and executes departmental international civil aviation transportation policy, and negotiates bilateral and multilateral international aviation matters
• Renders decisions in all formal hearings instituted by the department for aviation and economic regulatory matters3
• Provides departmental leadership for and develops, coordinates and carries out public policy related to the airline industry
• Works with other federal agencies on initiatives related to aviation and international transportation
• Administers the laws and regulations governing U.S. and foreign carrier economic authority to engage in air transportation
• Renders decisions in all aviation economic regulatory matters instituted by the department
• Administers regulatory programs for small community transportation, including the Essential Air Service Program and the Small Community Air Service Development Pilot Program
• Develops, coordinates and carries out public policy and regulatory actions on establishing mail rates within Alaska and in the international market
• Develops, coordinates and carries out public policy and certain regulatory actions with respect to access at U.S. airports4