Management Scope
PEPFAR had a budget of $6.9 billion in fiscal 2023.2
Primary Responsibilities
- Oversees and coordinates all resources and international activities of the United States government to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
- Ensures program and policy coordination among relevant executive branch agencies and nongovernmental organizations, including auditing, monitoring and evaluation.
- Establishes and leads an interagency working group on HIV/AIDS, including representatives from the United States Agency for International Development and the Department of Health and Human Services.
- Conducts annual consultations with nongovernmental organizations in partner countries that provide health services, and advocate for individuals with HIV/AIDS and those at high risk of contracting it.
- Directly approves all activities of the United States (including funding) relating to combatting HIV/AIDS in target countries.
- Publicizes updated drug pricing data to inform the purchasing decisions of pharmaceutical procurement partners.3
Strategic Goals and Priorities
Depends on the policy priorities of the administration.