Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

director, trade and development agency


Senate Committee

Foreign Relations

Agency Mission

To promote United States private sector participation in development projects in developing and middle income countries, with special emphasis on economic sectors with significant United States export potential, such as energy, transportation, telecommunications and environment (22 U.S.C. § 2421)

Position Overview

The Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) director helps fulfill the agency’s mission by linking U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.


Level III $165,300 (5 U.S.C. § 5314)1 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.

Position Reports to

Secretary of State (22 U.S.C. § 2421)


Management Scope

In fiscal 2017, USTDA’s enacted budget was $75 million with 57 employees.2 https://lo.bvdep.com/OrgDocument.asp?OrgId=-1&LDIBookId=19&LDIOrgId=156650&LDISecId=201&FromRecent=0&Save=1&Position=-1#O156650

Primary Responsibilities

® Provides policy direction on how best to use funds authorized to meet USTDA’s fundamental objectives of advancing economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries
® Directs the allocation of USTDA’s annual appropriation from Congress and approves the funding of USTDA programs
® Oversees and provides guidance to the development and implementation of internal management systems, including program monitoring and evaluation, audit, and financial accounting, as well as that of USTDA’s computerized data base and management information system
® Develops the overall strategy for using funds in terms of target sectors, regions and individual projects to finance technical assistance, feasibility studies, pilots, reverse trade missions, workshops and other project planning and preparation services
® Oversees the development of strategic new initiatives, such as the Global Procurement Initiative-Understanding Best Value
® Prepares and oversees the implementation of the USTDA annual budget, which sets forth USTDA’s key program and administrative objectives
® Oversees negotiations with senior officials of U.S. firms and foreign ministries regarding the terms, conditions and nature of USTDA program activities
® Leads USTDA’s outreach program and activities to develop and maintain professional liaison with private organizations and the U.S. business community to stimulate the private sector’s increased involvement in USTDA programs
® Appears before congressional committees to support, explain and justify USTDA activities
® Supervises the preparation of USTDA’s congressional presentation and the development of other key documents submitted to the Congress
® Meets on a regular basis with members of Congress and congressional staff
® Represents USTDA at conferences, meetings and other public forums to disseminate USTDA program objectives to U.S. businesses and state and local government entities
® Represents USTDA on the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee and in other senior U.S. government discussions on the entire range of trade and/or development matters
® Coordinates USTDA policy and programs with senior officials in other USG agencies, particularly AID, OPIC, USTR and EX-IM, and departments, such as State, Commerce, Energy, Transportation and Treasury3 OPM

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


® Experience in economic development, preferably with international experience
® Previous government experience
® Strong management experience
® Knowledge in the areas of finance, personnel, planning and evaluation
® Knowledge of the legislative and federal budgeting process


® Strong communication and public speaking skills
® Excellent leadership and managerial skills
® Strong diplomatic skills
® Energy for frequent travel

Past Appointees

Leocadia Irine Zak (2010): Deputy Director, USTDA; General Counsel, USTDA; Counsel, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo4 http://www.allgov.com/news/appointments-and-resignations/director-of-us-trade-and-development-agency-who-is-leocadia-zak?news=840977
Larry Woodrow Walther (2008 to 2009): Executive Director, Economic Development Department, State of Arkansas; Public Affairs Consultant, Public Strategies, Inc.5 Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?Perso

Thelma J. Askey (2001 to 2007): Commissioner, U.S. International Trade Commission; Director, Trade Subcommittee, Senate Ways and Means Committee6 https://www.linkedin.com/in/thelma-askey-20478b9/
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