Position Description
August 24, 2024
Position Description
Senate Committee
Rules and Administration
Agency Mission
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) protects the integrity of the federal campaign finance process by providing transparency, and fairly enforcing and administering federal campaign finance laws.
Position Overview
One of six commissioners who direct the FEC
Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 531)1 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.
Position Reports to
The FEC is an independent regulatory agency (52 U.S.C. § 30106)
Management Scope
In fiscal 2016, the FEC had a budget of $78 million and 331 employees.2 https://lo.bvdep.com/OrgDocument.asp?OrgId=-1&LDIBookId=19&LDIOrgId=154972&LDISecId=201&FromRecent=0&Save=1&Position=-1#O154972
Primary Responsibilities
® Administers and enforces the Federal Election and Campaign Act
® Administers the agency
® Meets regularly to formulate policy and vote on significant legal and administrative matters3 OPM
Strategic Goals and Priorities
The strategic goal of the FEC is to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act fairly, efficiently and effectively; promote compliance; and engage and inform the public about campaign finance data and rules, while maintaining a workforce that delivers results.4 http://www.fec.gov/pages/budget/fy2016/FY2016_AFR.pdf
Requirements and Competencies
Requirements for the commission:
® The chairman and vice chairman are elected by the membership for a period of one year, with no commissioner serving as chairman more than once during a six-year term 5 https://lo.bvdep.com/OrgDocument.asp?OrgId=-1&LDIBookId=19&LDIOrgId=154972&LDISecId=201&FromRecent=0&Save=1&Position=-1#O154972
® The chairman and the vice chairman shall not be affiliated with the same political party
® No more than three appointed commission members may be affiliated with the same political party
® FECA requires the affirmative vote of four commissioners to approve official actions, requiring bipartisan decision-making (52 U.S.C. § 30106)
Requirements for commissioners:
® Commissioners are chosen on the basis of their experience, integrity, impartiality and good judgment
® Commissioners should be individuals who, at the time they are appointed to the commission, are not elected or appointed officers or employees in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the federal government
® Commissioners may not engage in any other business, vocation or employment during their appointment
® Each commissioner serves a six-year statutory term, and two seats are subject to appointment every two years
® Commissioners may continue to serve beyond their six-year terms until new commissioners are appointed and confirmed by the Senate (52 U.S.C. § 30106)
® Attorneys (usually, but not always)
® Management experience (a plus)
® Knowledge of federal campaign finance laws (a plus)
® Ability to handle sensitive legal matters under considerable public attention
® Ability to work across party lines to reach consensus (a plus)
Past Appointees
Ann Ravel (2013 to 2017): Chairwoman of the California Fair Political Practices Commission; Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Torts and Consumer Litigation in the Civil Division of the Department of Justice; County Counsel in the Santa Clara County Counsel’s Office6 https://ballotpedia.org/Ann_Ravel
Caroline C. Hunter (2008 to 2017): Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaison, The White House Office, Executive Office of the President; Executive Officer, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security; Deputy Counsel, Republican National Committee; Associate Counsel, Republican National Committee7 https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?Perso
Michael E. Toner (2002 to 2007): Chief Counsel, Republican National Committee; General Counsel, Bush-Cheney Transition Team; General Counsel, Bush-Cheney 2000 Presidential Campaign; Deputy Counsel, Republican National Committee; Counsel to the Dole/Kemp Presidential Campaign; Associate Attorney at Wiley, Rein, & Fielding8 http://www.fec.gov/members/former_members/toner/toner.shtml
The Partnership’s Center for Presidential Transition helps ensure the efficient transfer of power that our country deserves. The Center’s Ready to Govern· initiative assists candidates with the transition, works with Congress to reform the transition process, develops management recommendations to address our government’s operational challenges, and trains new political appointees.