Position Description
August 24, 2024
Position Description
Assistant Administrator for land and emergency management, environmental protection agency
Senate Committee
Environment and Public Works
Agency Mission
To protect human health and the environment
Position Overview
The assistant administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management (formerly the assistant administrator for solid waste and emergency response) provides policy, guidance and direction for the agency’s emergency response and waste programs.
Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 53151 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.
Position Reports to
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator2 https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/epa-organization-chart
Management Scope
In fiscal 2016, the assistant administrator for land and emergency management oversaw an enacted budget of $1.237 billion and 2,333 full-time equivalents.3 https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-02/documents/epa_fy_2016_congressional_justification.pdf
Primary Responsibilities
® Oversees the EPA’s programs on hazardous and solid waste management, reuse and recycling under the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); contaminated site cleanup under RCRA corrective action; Superfund and federal facilities cleanup and redevelopment; brownfields; oil spill prevention and response; chemical accident prevention and preparedness; underground storage tanks; and emergency response4 OPM
® Develops guidelines for the land disposal of hazardous waste and underground storage tanks
® Provides technical assistance to all levels of government to establish safe waste management practices
® Supports state and local governments in redeveloping and reusing potentially contaminated sites through the Brownfields program
® Responds to abandoned and active hazardous waste sites, as well as accidental chemical releases through the Superfund program
® Encourages innovative technologies to address contaminated soil and groundwater5 https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-office-land-and-emergency-management
Strategic Goals and Priorities
[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]Requirements and Competencies
® Understanding of environmental science and EPA structure and processes
® Previous government experience (a plus), and knowledge of the legislative and federal budgeting process
® Track record of effective management in a large and diverse organization
® Knowledge in the areas of finance, personnel, planning and evaluation
® Strong relationships with relevant stakeholders, or ability to form them
® Strong leader
® Ability to communicate effectively, internally and externally
® Strong coordination and collaboration skills to work extensively across U.S. government agencies and with other relevant stakeholders
® Ability to work under high pressure
Past Appointees
Mathy Stanislaus (2009 to 2017): Co-Director, New Partners for Community Revitalization; President, Allegiance Resources Corporation; Senior Associate, Environmental Department, Huber Lawrence & Abell6 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathy-stanislaus-70819886/
Susan P. Bodine (2006 to 2008): Staff Director/Senior Counsel, Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives; Counsel, Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives; Attorney/Associate, Covington & Burling LLP7 Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/PeopleDocument.asp?Perso
Marianne Lamont Horinko (2001 to 2004): President, Clay Associates, Inc.; Attorney Advisor to Assistant Administrator Don Clay, Office of Land and Emergency Management, EPA8 http://www.thehorinkogroup.org/our-team/
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