Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

Associate Director for Legislative Affairs, office of management and budget


Position Type
Noncareer appointment (NA)

Agency Mission

The mission of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is to serve the president of the United States in implementing his vision across the executive branch, including budget development and execution, oversight of agency performance, and coordination and review of significant federal regulations.1 Partnership for Public Service position description

Position Overview

The associate director for legislative affairs manages congressional relations for the Office of Management and Budget.


Senior Executive Service

Position Reports to

Director of OMB


Management Scope

The OMB fiscal 2015 budget request was $91.75 million. There were 457 OMB full-time equivalents in fiscal 2015.2 Within the Office of Legislative Affairs, the associate director for legislative affairs oversees three deputies, a legislative analyst and a confidential assistant.3 Partnership for Public Service position description 2016 plum book

Primary Responsibilities

® Guides the president’s budget request through Congress and develops legislative strategies relating to appropriations, budget and OMB-related legislation
® Coordinates with White House offices and federal agencies to develop and implement the president’s policy, regulatory and budget objectives across the executive branch
® Provides high-quality, time-sensitive analysis of legislationu2014particularly appropriations, budget and regulatory legislationu2014and aids in developing the administration’s position on proposed legislation
® Maintains thorough knowledge and understanding of legislative processes and the budget process in OMB, in Congress, and with agencies

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


® Thorough knowledge of the legislative process and an understanding of the budget and appropriations processes
® Experience on Capitol Hill, strong congressional relationships and a positive attitude about working with legislators
® Prior agency experience (a plus)


® Skilled manager and communicator
® Ability to gather intelligence and coordinate among different stakeholders, including agencies
® Ability to work under high pressure
® Ability to handle sensitive matters
® Strong negotiation skills
® Ability to work across party lines

Past Appointees

Tamara Fucile (2014 to 2017) u2013 Vice-president of Government Affairs, Center for American Progress; Legislative Director, Senate; Deputy Staff Director for Policy, Joint Economic Committee4 https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamara-fucile-18319a2

Kris Sarri (2011 to 2014) u2013 Deputy Director of Policy and Strategic Planning, Department of Commerce; Professional Staff, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senior Policy Advisor, Senate5 https://www.linkedin.com/in/kris-sarri-8225286
Kate Eltrich (2009 to 2011) u2013 Clerk, Senate Appropriations Committee6 https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-eltrich-b7891a8

The Partnership’s Center for Presidential Transition helps ensure the efficient transfer of power that our country deserves. The Center’s Ready to Govern· initiative assists candidates with the transition, works with Congress to reform the transition process, develops management recommendations to address our government’s operational challenges, and trains new political appointees.