Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of education


Senate Committee

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions1 Plum book

Agency Mission

The Department of Education’s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.2 Partnership for Public Service position description
The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education works to ensure that every student graduates from high school ready for college and a career.

Position Overview

The assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education serves as a principal advisor to the secretary of education on all matters related to pre-K, elementary and secondary education.3 The assistant secretary is responsible for leading a team to promote academic excellence; enhance educational opportunities and equity for all American children and families; and improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support. http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/index.html


Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 5315)4 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.

Position Reports to

Secretary of Education


Management Scope

The assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education directly oversees the deputy assistant secretaries and chief of staff in the Office of the Assistant Secretary. In fiscal 2016, the office was appropriated a budget of $16 billion, which covered 85 unique grants and programs, representing a grant portfolio of approximately $22.5 billion.5 http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/budget16/16action.pdf (pg. 1)
OESE FY 2016 Performance Plan

Primary Responsibilities

® Serves as the principal advisor to the secretary of education on all matters related to pre-K, elementary and secondary education
® Directs, coordinates and recommends policy for programs designed to help state and local education agencies close opportunity gaps and improve elementary and secondary school student achievement6 https://www2.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/delisle.html
® Serves as the department’s primary liaison to coordinate with key pre-K, elementary and secondary education stakeholders
® Serves as the chief executive and leader of a team, comprised of dedicated career and politically appointed bureaucrats, that supports and accomplishes the department’s strategic plans and goals, policy aims, operational priorities and legislative and regulatory mandates on behalf of the nation’s students

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


® Experience working in pre-K, elementary or secondary education at the local, state or federal level (preferred)
® Experience developing and implementing policy with high-stakes consequences, and ability to analyze the positive and negative effects of current policy, or absence of policy, in order to recommend alternative resolutions (preferred)
® Experience working and interacting with state-level departments of education (a plus)
® Knowledge and understanding of grant management (a plus)
® Supervisory experience required, but management or executive leadership experience preferred
® Experience developing stakeholders, delivering technical assistance or enhancing the customer experience (a plus)
® Experience setting strategic direction and developing meaningful ways to measure outcomes using goals, targets, metrics and other leading indicators of progress or success


® Effective executive leader with proven results and the ability to oversee multiple programs, set priorities, meet deadlines, monitor budgets, assess organizational infrastructure needs and capacity, create or develop operational plans and lead and develop employees
® Strong communication skills used to collaborate, share information, delegate and ensure accountability
® Ability to integrate key organizational and program goals, priorities and values into team projects and initiatives
® Ability to assess and adapt to changing situations and implement innovative solutions that drive organizational improvements, ranging from incremental changes to major shifts in direction or approach
® Ability to create a work environment that encourages creative thinking, collaboration, transparency and accountability, while maintaining program focus even under adversity
® Ability to create a diverse and inclusive workplace that bolsters productivity; fosters the development of employees to their full potential; allows for full participation by all employees; facilitates collaboration, cooperation and teamwork; and supports constructive resolution of conflicts
® Ability to cultivate strong relationships with diverse stakeholders, develop win-win strategies when possible and negotiate acceptable alternatives to reduce negative outcomes
® Ability to understand, embrace and use data to inform and improve decision-making, while making timely, decisive and appropriate policy or operational adjustments as needed

Past Appointees

Ann Whalen (2015 to 2017) (delegated to perform duties and functions of position) – Director of Policy, Education Post; Director of the Implementation and Support Unit, Department of Education; Special Assistant to Secretary of Education, Department of Education7 http://educationpost.org/network/ann-whalen/
Deborah S. Delisle (2012 to 2015) – Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education; State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ohio8; Superintendent, http://www2.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/delisle.html
Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District9 https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-delisle-21307589
Thelma Melendez (2009 to 2011) u2013 Superintendent, Pomona Unified School District; Director, Los Angeles Annenberg Metropolitan Project10 https://www.linkedin.com/in/thelma-melendez-5b762515
The Partnership’s Center for Presidential Transition helps ensure the efficient transfer of power that our country deserves. The Center’s Ready to Govern· initiative assists candidates with the transition, works with Congress to reform the transition process, develops management recommendations to address our government’s operational challenges, and trains new political appointees.