Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, Department of energy


Senate Committee

Armed Services jointly with Energy and Natural Resources

Agency Mission

To ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions

Position Overview

The assistant secretary for environmental management is responsible for completing the safe cleanup of the environmental legacy resulting from five decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research.


Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 5315)1 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.

Position Reports to

Undersecretary for Management and Performance2 https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2017/01/f34/DOECHART-2017-01.pdf


Management Scope

The assistant secretary for environmental management had $5.83 billion in budget outlays in fiscal 2014.3 Leadership Directories: https://lo.bvdep.com/OrgDocument.asp?OrgId=-1&LDIBookId=19&LDIOrgId=152910&LDISecId=180&FromRecent=0&Save=1&Position=-1#O152910

Primary Responsibilities

® Completes environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex
® Manages and directs the cleanup of 107 contaminated nuclear weapons manufacturing and testing sites located in 35 states across the U.S.
® Ensures the safe disposition of large volumes of nuclear waste; safeguards materials that could be used in nuclear weapons; deactivates and decommissions several thousand contaminated facilitates no longer needed to support the Department of Energy’s (DOE) mission; and remediates extensive surface and groundwater contamination
® Provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy and guidance for DOE’s environmental cleanup program and associated activities at DOE sites
® Provides policy direction and long-term planning to environmental management field elements and other DOE sites across the complex
® Provides budget formulation and execution guidance that facilitates risk reduction and cleanup
® Directs policy for the transition of contaminated departmental facilities starting from the initial shutdown and continuing through decontamination and decommissioning to the eventual disposition
® Ensures that the organization promotes diversity and equal employment opportunities consistent with departmental policies and requirements
® Serves as the environmental management acquisition executive
® Ensures that the organization promotes small-business initiatives
® Represents the department regarding its clean-up mission vision to Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, state and local authorities and other stakeholders4 OPM

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


® Proven leadership experience at federal or state government or industry levels in leading nuclear operations; construction; environmental restoration; health, safety and quality assurance; safeguards and security; and emergency management
® Experience in leading diverse stakeholders through legislative approaches (vital)
® Knowledge of key environmental laws and regulations (critical)
® Advanced degree in engineering or scientific areas (preferred)
® Experience conducting and assessing national strategies for reducing risk and environmental liability (critical)
® Experience in program and acquisition management of national projects that pose significant risks to public health and safety
® Experience assessing progress made in reducing risk and environmental liabilities.
® Experience leading complex, geographically dispersed programs


® Ability to lead and discuss complex technical and scientific issues with Congress; international, state and local governments; stakeholder groups; and tribal nations
® Strong communication skills for extensive public-speaking engagements
® Willingness to travel extensively

Past Appointees

Monica C. Regalbuto (2015 to 2017): Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Fuel Cycle Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy; Senior Program Manager, Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy5 https://energy.gov/em/articles/dr-monica-regalbuto-confirmed-doe-assistant-secretary-environmental-management
Ines R. Triay (2009 to 2012): Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy; Chief Operations Officer, Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy; Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy6 http://www.allgov.com/officials/triay-in%C3%A9s?officialid=28894
James A. Rispoli (2005 to 2008): Director, Office of Engineering and Construction Management, Department of Energy; Vice President and Managing Principal, Dames & Moore’s Pacific Ocean Area Operations; President, M&E Pacific7 https://www.ncsu.edu/CIL/cnpps/Rispoli.html
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