Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, Department of defense


Senate Committee

Armed Services

Agency Mission

The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country.1 Partnership for Public Service position description

Position Overview

The director of cost assessment and program evaluation is responsible for analyzing and evaluating DOD’s plans, programs and budgets in relation to U.S. defense objectives, projected threats, allied contributions, estimated costs and resource constraints.2 The director provides independent analytic advice on all aspects of the defense program to the secretary of defense and other senior officials of DOD.3 http://www.defense.gov/About-DoD/Biographies/Biography-View/Article/602744/dr-jamie-m-morin http://www.cape.osd.mil/


Level IV $155,500 (5 U.S.C. § 5315)4 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.

Position Reports to

Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense5 http://www.cape.osd.mil/


Management Scope

The director has three direct reports: the principal deputy director of cost assessment and program evaluation; the deputy director for cost assessment; and the deputy director for program evaluation. The director oversees a budget of about $50 million.

Primary Responsibilities

® Serves as a principal advisor to the secretary of defense and other senior DOD officials
® Issues guidance for the treatment of risk and confidence levels in support of preparation of cost estimates within DOD6 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf
® Identifies key issues that should be considered during the programming and budgeting phases of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS) process in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
® Program evaluation: provides analyses of defense policy issues that help senior leaders decide among issues, and presents those issues to the most senior leaders
® Cost analysis: ensures that DOD provides decision-makers with accurate assessments of the future cost to buy and operate defense weapons
® Organizes and runs the programming portion of the PPBS process in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, with assistance from the undersecretary (comptroller)
® Assists the undersecretary (comptroller) in organizing and running the budget portion of the PPBS process in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
® Formulates analyses of alternatives for major defense acquisition programs and assesses the performance of such analyses, as directed by the secretary of defense (10 U.S.C. § 139a)
® Leads the development of improved analytical skills and competencies within DOD’s cost assessment and program-evaluation workforce(10 U.S.C. § 139a)
® Co-chairs, along with the undersecretary of defense for policy and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, serving as the executive secretary of the governance group that oversees support to strategic analysis activities7 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf
® Serves on boards, committees and other groups pertaining to the Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation’s functional areas, and represents the secretary and deputy secretary of defense on related matters outside DOD8 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf
® Coordinates and exchanges information with other officials within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the heads of the DOD components and heads of federal agencies having collateral or related responsibilities and functions9 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf
® Communicates with other government officials, representatives of the legislative branch, members of the public and representatives of foreign governments, as appropriate, in carrying out assigned responsibilities and functions10 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf
® Performs other duties assigned by the secretary or deputy secretary of defense11 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510584p.pdf

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


® Experience and knowledge of defense policy issues
® Experience with the analytic techniques and challenges associated with predicting the future cost of defense weapons


® Strong analytical skills
® Ability to manage senior-level analysts
® Ability to interact with the most senior-level decision-makers

Past Appointees

Jamie Michael Morin (2014 to 2017)12 – Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller, Department of Defense; Acting Undersecretary of the Air Force, Department of Defense; Professional Staff, Senate Committee on the Budget13 https://www.congress.gov/nomination/113th-congress/1049?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Jamie+Morin%22%5D%7D&r=1 http://www.defense.gov/About-DoD/Biographies/Biography-View/Article/602744/dr-jamie-m-morin
Christine Fox (2009 to 2014) – President, Center for Naval Analyses; Vice President and Director of Operations Evaluation Group, Center for Naval Analyses; Research Analyst and Manager, Center for Naval Analyses14 https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-fox-00a4687a

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