Position Description
August 24, 2024
Position Description
Army Assistant Secretary for Installations, Energy and Environment, Department of Defense
Senate Committee
Armed Services
Agency Mission
The Army’s mission is to fight and win our nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders.
Position Overview
The assistant secretary of the Army for installations, energy and environment establishes policy, provides strategic direction and supervises all matters pertaining to infrastructure, Army installations and contingency bases, energy, and environmental programs to enable global Army operations.
Level IV $158,500 (5 U.S.C. § 5315)1 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Public Law 116-260, December 27 ,2020), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials through January 1, 2022. The compensation information is based on guidance from the Office of Personnel Management and can be accessed here. If you are selected for this position, please consult the agency’s HR representative for further guidance on compensation.
Position Reports to
Secretary of the Army
Management Scope
The assistant secretary of the Army for instillation, energy and environment is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the Army and ensuring that its efforts related to installations, Army real estate, energy security and sustainability, and the environment are executed consistent with law, regulation and policy. This appointee is responsible for the continued operational readiness and safety of more than 120 U.S. Army installations worldwide, including research facilities, medical centers, troop garrisons and munitions stockpiles.2
Primary Responsibilities
® Establishes strategic direction for the Army Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process within the assistant secretary’s assigned functions, and coordinates and integrates that direction with other officials of headquarters, Department of the Army and other Army elements
® Provides strategic guidance and supervision for policies, plans and programs for facilities investments, Army real property, military construction, energy security, operational energy, water security, contingency bases, environmental initiatives and Army privatization initiatives executed across the headquarters and department.
® Advises the Army secretary and chief of staff on installations’ suitability for stationing.
® Develops and supervises the implementation of policies for base closures, realignments, stationing, planning and utilization, reuse and economic adjustment programs.
® Develops and supervises policies and budget requests for Army construction, including overseas construction agreements.
® Supervises Army energy security and sustainability, including the development of strategy and policy; supervises headquarters, Department of the Army councils and committees; and represents Army environmental and sustainability interests with federal regulator agencies and state and local governments.
® Provides policy and supervises Army-wide safety and occupational and environmental health risk management, including sanitation and hygiene.
® Supervises the development of Army policy for environmental, safety and occupational health aspects of the DOD’s Chemical Demilitarization Program and, in coordination with the assistant secretary of the Army and the deputy chief of staff, G-3/517, serves as the Army’s Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Conventional Treaty verification and compliance official.
Strategic Goals and Priorities
[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration.]Requirements and Competencies
® Appointed from civilian life (10 U.S.C. § 3016).
® Extensive leadership and management experience.
® Strong substantive expertise in military affairs and civil/military relations.
® Experience in Department of Defense, Armed Services Committee and/or other relevant entities.
® Substantive knowledge of environmental issues, property management and occupational health.
® Background or experience in workforce management; federal planning, programming and budgeting; acquisition; and operations and management.
® Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
® Ability to handle sensitive matters.
® Ability to integrate diverse missions and organizations.
® Ability to work under high pressure.
Past Appointees
Alex A. Bheeler (2019 to 2021) u2013 Principal Deputy for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health, Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment; Chief Sustainability Officer, Department of Defense
Katherine Hammack (2010 to 2017) u2013 Senior manager, Ernst & Young LLP’s Climate Change and Sustainability Services; Account Executive, Arizona Public Service
Mario P. Fiori (2001 to 2004) u2013 Founder, Compass Associates, Inc.; Manager, DOEs Savannah River Site; DOE’s Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board