Position Description
August 24, 2024


Position Description

undersecretary for economic affairs, Department of commerce


Senate Committee

Commerce, Science and Transportation1 Plum book

Agency Mission

The mission of the department is to create the conditions for economic growth and opportunity.2 Partnership for Public Service position description

Position Overview

The undersecretary leads the Economics and Statistics Administration.3 https://www.commerce.gov/adminofficials/under-secretary-economic-affairs


Level III $165,300 (5 U.S.C. § 5314)4 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31, May 5, 2017), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials at 2013 levels during calendar year 2017.

Position Reports to

Deputy Secretary of Commerce and/or Secretary of Commerce5 https://www.commerce.gov/page/doc-organizational-chart


Management Scope

The Economics and Statistics Administration had a 2016 enacted budget of $109 million and a 2015 enacted full-time equivalent employment of 470.6 The undersecretary oversees multiple offices including the Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Office of Chief Economist.7 http://www.osec.doc.gov/bmi/budget/FY17CBJ/ESA%20FY%202017%20CBJ%20508compliant.pdf http://www.esa.doc.gov/content/about-economics-statistics-administration

Primary Responsibilities

® Leads the Economics and Statistics Administration8 https://www.commerce.gov/adminofficials/under-secretary-economic-affairs
® Oversees multiple offices including the Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Office of Chief Economist9 http://www.esa.doc.gov/content/about-economics-statistics-administration
® Provides timely economic analysis to the secretary and deputy secretary
® Disseminates national economic indicators and provides economic forecasts
® Administers the department’s statistical programs and data service10 https://www.commerce.gov/adminofficials/under-secretary-economic-affairs
® Serves as departmental representative to the Council of Economic Advisers
® Analyzes and develops policies on economic and statistical issues11 OPM

Strategic Goals and Priorities

[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration]

Requirements and Competencies


Strong understanding of macroeconomics, preferably a Ph.D. or master’s degree in economics12 Romney Readiness Project position description
Experience operating in a large organizatio
Understanding and passion for unleashing and maximizing the huge quantities of Department of Commerce data


® Strong manager and decision-maker
® Well-developed communication skills that could be useful for delivering an economic message to stakeholders, the private sector and Congress
® Ability to translate complicated economic information in a format that is usable for the secretary, deputy secretary and the entire administration’s economic team
® Ability to lead multiple economic offices simultaneously13 Romney Readiness Project position description

Past Appointees

Mark Doms (2013 to 2015) u2013 Chief Economist, Department of Commerce; Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Economist, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System14 LinkedIn Profile
Rebecca Blank (2012 to 2013) u2013 Robert Kerr Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy; Member, Council of Economic Advisers15 http://2010-2014.commerce.gov/About%20Commerce/Commerce%20Leadership/Deputy%20Secretary%20of%20Commerce%20and%20Under%20Secretary%20for%20Economic%20Aff.html
Kathleen Cooper (2001 to 2005) u2013 Chief Economist, Exxo
Mobil; Chief Economist, Security Pacific Bank16 https://news.unt.edu/news-releases/college-business-names-new-dean
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