Position Description
August 24, 2024
Position Description
Senate Committee
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Agency Mission
To ensure that homeland is safe, secure and resilient against terrorism and other potential threats.
Position Overview
The deputy secretary of Homeland Security is delegated the full power and authority to act for the secretary and exercises the power of the secretary on any and all matters for which the Secretary is authorized pursuant to law. As Chief Operating Officer, the Deputy is also responsible for day-to-day business and management of operations and personnel.
Level II $183,1001 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Public Law 116-260, December 27 ,2020), contains a provision that continues the freeze on the payable pay rates for certain senior political officials through January 1, 2022. The compensation information is based on guidance from the Office of Personnel Management and can be accessed here. If you are selected for this position, please consult the agency’s HR representative for further guidance on compensation.
Position Reports to
Secretary of Homeland Security
Management Scope
In fiscal 2020, DHS had $92,077,529 million in budget authority and 244,445 total employment. As COO, the deputy secretary will manage people from all over the organization, not just those in his or her direct office.
Primary Responsibilities
® Executes the president’s and secretary’s strategic plan for the agency by dealing with the overall operations, managing the individual departments and integrating mission-support functions with program and policy objectives.
® Works with peers in other agencies, OMB, stakeholders (like local or state governments) and at times Congress.
® Resolves interagency conflict.
® Serves as a key advisor to the secretary on all matters pertaining to the agency.
® Ensures that the agency’s components are delivering their programs and services in an effective and efficient manner with integrity.
® Develops and manages complementary internal management processes that coordinate across programs.
® Represents the secretary in public and private meetings including dealings with the White House, Congress, state governments, trade groups, etc.
® Oversees internal GPRA processes.
® Works closely with the secretary, chief of staff and CXOs.
Responsible for overseeing the execution of the department’s core mission areas:
® Prevent terrorism and enhance our nation’s security.
® Secure and manage our borders.
® Enforce and administer immigration laws.
® Safeguard and secure cyberspace.
® Ensure resilience in disasters.
® Provide support to ensure national and economic security.
Strategic Goals and Priorities
[Depends on the policy priorities of the administration.]Requirements and Competencies
® Proven ability and experience leading and managing a large and complex enterprise
® Previous experience with federal government enterprise operations.
® Understanding of core services, programs and initiatives delivered by the agency’s key departments.
® Experience dealing with high-profile stakeholders.
® Experience leading through unexpected crisis situations preferred.
® Familiarity with the federal budget process preferred.
® Experience and expertise with risk management.
® Background and expertise with cyber security threats.
® Demonstrated ability to resolve conflicts within a large organization.
® Comfort leading and managing in ambiguity, as deputy secretaries. often have very vague or undefined statutory responsibilities and authorities.
® Ability to establish positive relationships with coworkers and external stakeholders.
® Ability to forge strong congressional relationships preferred.
Past Appointees
Elaine C. Duke (2017 to 2018) u2013 Elaine Duke & Associates, LLC; Under Secretary for Management Department of Homeland Security; Deputy Assistant Administrator for Acquisition at the Transportation Security Administration; earlier in her career, Ms. Duke held various positions with the U.S. Department of Defense
Alejandro Mayorkas (2013 to 2017) u2013 Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services; member of President Obama’s justice Department review team; attorney
Jane Holl Lute (2009 to 2013) u2013 United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support; Assistant Secretary-General for Mission Support in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations; Second Lieutenant in the Army